The return of CIFF Kids fashion trade show in physical form happens this August in Copenhagen.
All of the European Trade shows are promising a physical return but for British buyers with France and Italy demanding 5 -7 quarantine days at present for trade shows at the end of June this doesn’t look like a feasible option.
With a much later date of 11th August the Scandi three day event looks to be possible for a visit – circumstances all being good of course!
Of course all the shows are also running virtual digital events and resources online to complement the physical fairs.
CIFF Kids has been relocated during the break to a newly designed glass hall by the main entrance to the collective CIFF show. The show is always strong on sustainable Scandinavian fashion brands and great lifestyle collections, ethical and sustainable desires have long been a driving force in Copenhagen.
The shows Director Christine Neustrup says “We have faced unprecedented challenges over the past year but have also had the opportunity to rethink and refine our format, resulting in an update of our layout and flow. We can’t wait to show off the results”
For those not familiar with this trade show here are my reports from the last edition of fashion and lifestyle.
The new campaign for the 57th edition of CIFF Kids below was shot by @dennisstenild with models from @littlepeoplemodels

With a new position at the entrance to the main CIFF trade show

Photography by Dennis Stenild and models from Little People Agency

Ethical and sustainable concerns are the driving force of many Scandinavian kids brands

Hoping to see you all there, Copenhagen August 11th!
Photos by Dennis Stenild for CIFF Kids- all rights reserved
Models from Little People Models