Amazing kids photoshoot for Nikolia summer 2018 from Eliza Logan.
Nikolia is a leading kids fashion label from Lithuania run by owners Ruti andĀ Ieva. Ruta worked as a interior designer, gallerist and chef while Ieva has marketing and project manager experience so combining creativity and organisation between them both.
The Nikolia collection began with just denim but now encompasses many different textiles with structured unusual cuts as well as the original denim inspiration which can come dark or prewashed and pale.
The fabric comes from Italy and the collection is made locally in Lithuania. The label is one of the most inventive and directional in the kids fashion world and their photoshoots often reflect this explorative path.
Eliza Logan is the perfect collaborative photographer for the label as she also pushes photography into new directions and is the owner of avante-garde magazine Hooligans.